Inventive entrepreneurs like Elon Musk may believe that a flying car is a definite possibility, but one 25 year old in Lincolnshire offered a practical demonstration to that effect yesterday, launching his Vauxhall Corsa into the first floor of someone's home.

Thankfully, no one was hurt in the incident. The young driver escaped with some broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder. The house was empty at the time.

The Vauxhall Corsa is not noted for its capability as a mode of airborne transport – and if it was then the current steering and navigation systems would be considered touchy at best, given the size of hole made in the property's side.

According to Dick Holmes of the Lincolnshire Police, the car demolished a fence before destroying part of the semi-detached house's back bedroom.

The building was stabilised by fire fighters in the early hours of the morning and the damage has since been assessed by structural engineers.

The precise circumstances of the unusual incident are not yet known, but it certainly appears that the driver lost control of his vehicle whilst at high speed. Or he may simply have discovered a 'Turbo Boost' button at an inopportune moment.

As a leading vehicle recovery provider we naturally support safe driving – and we’re glad that in reality no production cars possess either flying or Turbo Boost capabilities – as it can lead to some serious property damage, as this incident shows.

On the upside, Elon Musk's new UK Telsa facility may have found the new flying car test driver they were looking for.