From disagreements over directions to squabbles over the music selection, we all knew that the car trips could trigger arguments, but until now, we didn’t understand to what extent.

However, a new study has revealed that one in three Brits argue in the car - 36 per cent to be precise.

Sometimes known as "carguments", the research found that Londoners aged 25 to 44 were the most likely to get into an in-car tiff - especially with their significant others.

Indeed, the more than half of the 25-44 age group admitted to arguing on the road, contrasting with 25 percent of those aged 70 and over.

46 per cent of Londoners said they argued in their automobiles, followed closely by the Scottish, with 43 per cent. The least likely to have a bicker behind the wheel were the Welsh - to the tune of just 27 per cent.

Most arguments took place between partners, with 26 per cent of disagreements starting when setting out on a day trip. Visiting family (24 percent) was also a significant trigger. Not far behind was shopping trips, a journey type that started squabbles for 21 per cent of respondents.

46 per cent of all verbal conflicts focussed on directions, while 39 per cent related to how good (or indeed bad) the standard of driving was.

With the summer holidays in full swing for many UK families, the prospect of an in-car argument has risen greatly - with people confined to their cars for long road trips across Britain and on the continent.

While arguments are of course unpleasant in any situation, inside a car they bring the added worry that drivers are not concentrating on the road.