Pope Francis (neneo/Bigstock.com)

Pope Francis has caused a stir in South Korea by opting to be driven around in a humble Kia Soul during his five day visit.

Those with power and influence tend to prefer more luxurious rides in this East Asian nation, where competition to achieve success is fierce.

The Pope appeared on television getting into the diminutive vehicle after arriving at the airport, before opening the window and waving at the crowd.

His Kia was surrounded by a number of bigger cars as the Papal convoy progressed towards the capital, Seoul.

The pontiff's choice of vehicle has caused much debate in South Korea, a society in which ostentatious displays of wealth are common; especially among those with power and influence.

But while it may not be glamorous, at least it should be easy to obtain spare parts if the Kia suffers a breakdown, since the car is built in South Korea.

The Pope is far less concerned about security than his predecessors, many of whom opted for bullet-proof vehicles whilst on tour.

Pope Francis also uses a simple blue Ford Focus when in Vatican City.

But despite his humble modes of transportation both at home and on this trip, South Koreans still clearly love the 77 year old religious leader: around 800,000 people turned out to watch the Pope lead a ceremony on the weekend.