A startrescue.co.uk story...

As cyclists become an increasingly common sight on our roads – with a correlative effect on cycle-related accident rates – road safety for bikers has become a real concern.

One man has taken cycle safety into his own hands. He's called Lewis Dediare, a London telecoms supervisor with a keen eye for traffic violations.

He has become a well-known sight on his route to and from his workplace. Self-styled as the 'Traffic Droid', Dediare sports a helmet with four GoPro cameras and rides a bike with an additional rider-facing camera fixed to a pole on the handlebars.

The cameras have been fitted in order to record infringements of traffic regulations. As revealed in a recent Telegraph article, once Dediare clocks a rule-breaker, he immediately approaches them and informs them of their traffic-related peccadillo.

And that includes cyclists as well as drivers. But Dediare doesn't always get treated as a saviour of the road; his accusations – invariably backed up with video evidence – are often met with disbelief and anger, the Telegraph article explains.

But Dediare's passion for road safety has caught the attention of TV executives as well as newspaper editors. On Tuesday 27th May he appeared in Channel 4's The Complainers - and looks set to become a celebrity of road safety.

Dediare’s YouTube channel offers up some of the more shocking infractions, recorded using his helmet and bike cameras.

As a breakdown cover operator that has seen the unfortunate side-effects of poor road safety, here at startrescue.co.uk we're always happy to hear of road safety initiatives such as this, however unorthodox!